Norse 1873 Winchester

The Norse 1873 Item Description:

”A modified Winchester 1873 with engraved ancient blessings and imbued with a sinister curse. It seems to be based on a weapon of the past adapted to combat things that dwell on the fringes of man’s domain.

The weapon’s stock is crafted from remnants of the tree of life that protects the wielder from the steeped curse of Hella. The iron sights of the weapon glows in the sinister gaze of the Undead Queen, casting doom upon whatever they may be drawn upon.

The steel, forged from metal of her domain, enchant rounds with the fury of the Queen. Inflicts necrosis to targets that are unfortunate enough to survive past the first strike.”

Modeled in 3Ds Max, engravings drawn in Adobe Illustrator, textured in Substance Painter, and rendered via Marmoset Toolbag.

Norse 1873 Isolated Display

Norse 1873 States Display